OhSam Triple Play 2015!

Nov 02, 2015 12:06

The comm hosted this little event a couple of years ago, and as November 2 is an auspicious day for our darling Sam, today would be the perfect time to revisit this challenge. Welcome to the Triple Play 2015!

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RE: Tornado Warning 6 ameliacareful November 4 2015, 03:13:06 UTC

“How long has it been?” Sam asked.

“Almost two hours.”

“Time’s jumping,” Sam said. “Like with Gadreel.”

He heard Dean’s sharp intake of breath.

“Sorry,” Sam said. “Kind of out of it.”

“It’s okay,” Dean said quietly and there was a hand on his forehead. “Just rest, okay?”

He closed his eyes again and Dean was saying, “Sam. Sammy.” He opened his eyes and red lights were splashing across everything, the sound of an EMT truck bouncing over the curb. “Sam? Come on little brother. Eyes here.”

Sam blinked at Dean. “Shock,” he tried to say but no sound came out.

“Took you long enough,” Dean growled at someone.

“There’s an entire subdivision that’s just basically matchsticks and trees down blocking the roads", said a woman’s voice. An EMT leaned over him and said, “Hi, can you tell me your name?” She had blond hair pulled back in a pony tail and looked so clean and dry.

“Sam,” he said and this time sound came out. “No medications or…allergies.”

“Well, Sam no medications or allergies, you know the drill. Are you in the health profession?”

He shook his head. “Accident prone,” he said.

He heard Dean laugh and felt his brother squeeze his hand. “You have no idea,” Dean said.

“This is a pretty impressive accident,” the EMT said.

“He saved me!” Sue said from behind him where he couldn’t see, sounding very young.

The EMT put a blood pressure cuff on him. “I’m Patty. Base, I’ve got a thirty-three year old male with a puncture wound through the right thigh and multiple abrasions. Blood pressure 90 over 78, tachycardic, patient is cold and clammy. He’s got a shard of glass going all the way through his leg. Going to need a surgeon.” To Dean, “How long ago, during the tornado?”

“Yeah,” Dean said. “I’ve been giving him Gatorade.”

“That’s smart.”

“Like he said, he’s prone to accidents.”

Sam lifted his hand (which was somehow incredibly heavy) and gave Dean the finger.

The EMT laughed. “Patient is responsive. Preparing to transport.”

“I’ll be there, Sam,” Dean said. “I’m coming with the Impala. We’ll get you fixed up.”


RE: Tornado Warning 7 ameliacareful November 4 2015, 03:14:15 UTC

They were back at the Bunker three days later. Castiel had healed the post-op. “This freaking long,” Dean explained, holding up his hands.

“It was not,” Sam said. “Every time you tell it, it gets longer. It’s like a fishing story.” He preferred not to think about it.

“What’s a fishing story?” Cas asked. He was sitting at the table with Sam while Dean leaned against the counter.

“When fisherman tell stories about catching fish, every time they tell the story, the fish gets bigger,” Sam said, showing with his hands. He went back to his laptop. There was still news of the aftermath of the tornadoes all over the Internet. He clicked on a link about Hobart, hoping he could show Cas where they were. People survive in beer cooler or something.

There was his leg. And the freaking piece of glass.

“What’d you find,” Dean asked. He came behind Sam. “I WAS RIGHT! THERE IT IS!” It was Sue’s photo. The headline was NO DEATHS THREE INJURED IN HOBART and under it, Sam’s leg. Dean was ecstatic. “Look at the size of that, Cas! Did I exaggerate?”

Cas studied the photo while Sam cringed. “No, you did not. That looks very painful, Sam.”

Dean shrugged, “He was in shock most of the time. I was hoping they’d give him the piece of glass. You know, like they used to give people their tonsils in a little jar.”

“Thanks, Cas. It actually hurt a lot,” Sam said.

And Dean had been worried but you’d have to know Dean to know it. Sam knew. He remembered Dean’s hand on his forehead. He remembered Dean telling him to rest.

Sometimes, though, Sam wished Dean would show it just a little better.


(Apologies: I can't clear my throat in less than 5,000 words.)


RE: Tornado Warning 7 crowroad3 November 4 2015, 09:27:58 UTC
Ah man, great pacing, so great. Voices so great, from Dean's looks like weather to Sam's bad burritos. Felt the dropping pressure, heard the counties, heard that they should just say them all; oh, man, felt Sam's shocky pain.
The natural as much a threat as the supernatural, yeah. You've been in this landscape, I know; I feel it.
So great!

P.S. I wish I could clear my throat in more than 500 words, heh.


RE: Tornado Warning 7 caranfindel November 4 2015, 13:21:35 UTC
This is SO GOOD. Sounds like you've lived in Tornado Alley. ;)


RE: Tornado Warning 7 madebyme_x November 4 2015, 16:17:54 UTC
Wonderful fic! This was tense and edge of seat entertainment! The pacing was perfect, and I loved your OCs and how you captured Sam losing time as he slowly went into shock.

Plus, I really enjoyed all the tornado safety information. Awesome fic! Thank you for sharing :)


RE: Tornado Warning 7 soserendipity November 4 2015, 20:32:54 UTC
I love this! I have a thing for the boys battling the elements, I feel like I must have read all the natural catastrophy fics there are. But this combines so many things I like, it reads like something special - badass Sam and Dean, protective big brother mode, hurt and comfort, the boys in a true pickle, the boys actually receiving thanks for what they do, and a tornado on top. And Sam loving the Impala. And Dean loving Sam more than the Impala. And, guh, everything. Wonderful story, well done!


thursdaysisters November 5 2015, 00:55:04 UTC
Nah don't complain about word length this was a fun read, moved right along and I loved the little details :-D


RE: Tornado Warning 7 laughablelament November 5 2015, 04:08:48 UTC
So much to love here, but Sue really stands out. Teenage girl with a cell phone, "he saved me" like a prayer. Oh, and I laughed right out loud when the EMT called Sam's middle finger responsive. Gold.


RE: Tornado Warning 7 chaos_slave November 5 2015, 04:54:54 UTC
I loved this story, frighteningly realistic of a tornado!


RE: Tornado Warning 7 semirah November 5 2015, 05:44:32 UTC
Gorgeous! I liked all the little details and the life you gave the side characters. I loved that Sam flipping Dean off was responsive enough for the EMT. I LOVE the last line. Oh, Sam. Me, too.

And I found it sweet and so true to character that Sam would stop and explain what a fishing story was to Cas.


RE: Tornado Warning 7 quickreaver November 5 2015, 08:20:55 UTC
Fantastic! Never apologize for length; it was exactly right.


RE: Tornado Warning 7 cowboyguy November 5 2015, 20:26:53 UTC
This was awesome! I loved all of the little details - the sheet of rain chasing them to the car, Sam's aversion to blue Gatorade, the subdivison of matchsticks and tree debris, the fishing story. I love that both of them think to ask for people's names in an emergency, because that's just the kind of guys they are, keeping things under control and trying to help. I loved Sam's "no medications or allergies" bit, and Dean being pissed at the EMTs but then immediately helpful and concerned again. And, oh man, Sam's spotty vision and slow-build pain and the realization that it's worse than he thought. Fantastic job!


RE: Tornado Warning 7 reggie11 November 6 2015, 16:35:35 UTC
That was awesome! We don't really get tornadoes in Australia, only teeny tiny ones, so I'm always fascinated by tornado stories. I was a bit thrown by the town name, Hobart is the capital city of Tasmania. Great pacing and characterisation. You nailed their voices perfectly.


Re: RE: Tornado Warning 7 ameliacareful November 6 2015, 18:20:07 UTC
Hobart, Australia! I never even thought of that! You guys don't have regular tornadoes but do have fire tornadoes once in awhile. http://youtu.be/s1dH0zyzl0I

It's also a real town in western Oklahoma. I picked it randomly. :)


RE: Tornado Warning 7 themegalosaurus November 9 2015, 23:49:16 UTC
I LOVED THIS SO HARD. the tone of it was so spot on, the understatedness of sam's approach to the whole thing; the picture of the glass in his leg and dean's glee and sue's refrain 'he saved me'. i really, really enjoyed it. a lot. i'll be saving it (and reccing it) for sure.


RE: Tornado Warning 7 ameliacareful November 10 2015, 03:44:49 UTC
Thank you so much! Sue is based on some of my Asian women students who seem to be very concerned with credit being given where credit is due. And Dean's glee is well, you know, Dean.


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