Lock the Front Door [Madison/Sam AU]

Jul 15, 2015 21:37

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is a weird little AU where Sam quits the Trials post-S8, but instead of spiraling into death he’s simply not in shape enough to hunt anymore (so you get hot!sickly!Sam don’t judge me). He retires and goes back to school; obviously, Madison not being a super!dead werewolf is also AU’d, and she is a fellow teacher. YOU’RE GONNA JUST HAVE TO ACCEPT MY CONVULTED AU LEANINGS. Also I am totally unfamiliar with school and college from a teacher perspective forgive me. Also mentions of not-actually-self-harm, just FYI.

Features some sick!Sam and some Madison/Sam.

"Madison sits calmly at the diner with a pen at her teeth and a laptop in front of her, getting herself lost and distracted by the hum of conversation and the smell of coffee beans; she loves this place, enjoys the sort of isolated togetherness, if that at all makes sense, even if her guard is always up (because when it comes to matters of restraining orders, it still pays to be watchful). It’s 4:30 and she still hasn’t even breached the bulk of reading through the whirlwind of essays and Q&A’s that her students are too certain are concocted simply as torture.

Maybe if she hadn’t caught sight of a familiar hulking figure in her peripheral, she would have had a better chance at being professional today. Someone’s ordering a coffee - someone who’s mane you could spot from pretty far away. She couldn’t help but smile at the thought, watching the oh-so-familiar man step aside, fiddle with his vest and coat as he anticipated the caffeine."


the trials, pneumonia, .genre » het, supernatural illness, chronic illness, hospitalization, allergies

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