[FIC] What John Saw

Mar 19, 2015 12:10

Title: What John Saw
Rating: PG
Characters: Sam, Dean, John
Pairing: Gen
Word Count: 1000
Summary: When Sam gets sick at a crowded motel with only one bed and a recliner to share between the three of them, John watches his eldest son take care of his youngest, and he regrets the choices that led them all here.

John watches, and doesn’t stand. Something twists inside him that even the burn of alcohol won’t loosen. John is sure that, to Dean, taking care of his brother is a given. To Sam, John thinks, that unconditional trust and love is merely a natural response.

He wonders, from the outside, if either of the boys realize how deep that bond goes. He wonders if anyone else will see it, will try to break it.

NOTE: I'll be away from home for a bit, so I swear this is the last you poor people will see from me for a while. I can't seem to stop writing for this fandom. I don't know what's wrong with me.

Find it on AO3.

flu, fever, crying, bed sharing, .genre » gen

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