Fic: Moose and Squirrel (PG13, Sam, Dean)

Feb 17, 2015 19:24

Title: Moose and Squirrel
Author: jedisapphire
Rating: PG13 for minor violence
Genre/pairing: Gen, casefic
Characters: Sam, Dean
Word count: 10,800

Summary: Sam and Dean run afoul of a curse that turns people into animals. Oops. Now they have to figure out how to break the spell when Sam's colourblind and uncoordinated, Dean's even shorter than usual, and nobody can handle a gun.

Spoilers: Only to the premise of the show.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: No, not mine.
Additional Notes: This was for spn_reversebang for a truly gorgeous prompt from senegalus.

Fic masterpost

bullet wound, transformation, curse/spell, » fic, .genre » gen

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