[FIC] Conceal, Don't Feel

Sep 11, 2014 20:41

Title: Conceal, Don't Feel
Prompt: Begging
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: Based on this prompt from lauehime's H/C meme: Set after 'Road Trip'. Sam suffers from migraines, has since he was a kid. Dean, being an awesome brother, could always tell when one was coming and would stock up on the things that would help Sam get through it. While the boys are separated, Sam gets hit with a doozey of a headache with only Cas to help him. Even though Sam begs him not to tell Dean, Cas realizes that he is out of his element and calls Dean for help. Cue worried!Dean taking care of a very miserable Sam.

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migraines, » fic, .genre » gen

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