[FIC] Hunting Breaks

Aug 24, 2014 22:25

Title: Hunting Breaks
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: Substance Addiction
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: 2,983
Rating: R
Warnings: Substance Abuse, Implied Suicide Attempt, Canon Character Death
Summary: Inspired by this prompt from LaueHime's Winchester Hurt/Comfort Festival a long time ago: I like the idea of Sam trying to deal with hating hunting and the life they live through addiction (something like pain meds maybe - which would make him jump in front of the line of fire if it meant getting hurt and fed a dose of his beloved relief). From then on, there are many possibilities the story could turn to. Dean and/or John could find out, or Sam could accidentally take in a bigger dose than he should've, or he could get into trouble. That's up to you, of course!

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substance abuse, » fic, .genre » gen, overdose, addiction

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