Fic: I Don't Trust Me (1/?)

Jun 10, 2014 03:54

Title: I Don't Trust Me
Author: themegalosaurus
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Gen
Characters: Sam, Dean
Word count: ~1200
Chapter: 1/? (WIP)
Summary: Slight AU for season 5 (starts at the end of 5.02) in which Sam's guilt about the events of Season 4 translates into an unhealthy obsession with self-discipline and self-control
Warnings: language, content: depression, eating disorder, OCD
Disclaimer: I own nothing

Author's notes: This is probably going to be pretty long by the time it's finished; I'm hoping to update at least weekly. Feedback very welcome as this is the first fanfic I've written for years.

( "I know you don't trust me," Sam finds himself saying, "but I just realized something. I don't trust me either.")

behavioral disorder, eating disorder, depression, .genre » gen

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