Fic : Like a Fever You Can't Sweat Out

May 15, 2014 12:48

Title: Like a Fever You Can’t Sweat Out
Author: lauehime
Genre/pairing: Hurt/Comfort, Family, Humor, Gen
Characters: Sam, Dean
Word count: 2,242
Summary: Written for tarotgal’s ALLTHEFANDOMS! ALLTHESNEEZES! comment fic meme.

This one was for senberet’s prompt “There's a case at a mountain lodge, and the change in atmospheric pressure has got Sam all congested (swollen sinuses, mostly, maybe a little headache) and then he manages to catch a cold on top of it... although he can't even tell at first, because he was feeling a little "off" to begin with. So he doesn't take care of it properly and it ends up getting kinda worryingly bad (bronchitis? asthma issues? idk up to you) and knocks him on his ass pretty unexpectedly because he didn't see it coming.”

So there's a case in there, a lot of banter, a healthy amount of sick!Sam and tons of brotherly love :-)

hugs/cuddling, cough, hospitalization, fever, pneumonia, headache, cold, sneezing, » fic, .genre » gen

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