Fic: There's Feathers Floating

Apr 14, 2014 18:29

Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17 for explicit sexual content and language
Wordcount: 3,100
Spoilers: Up to 9.06 (set some time between 9.01 and 9.06)
Warnings: Sam is the unknowing vessel for Gadreel (still thought to be Ezekiel) throughout this fic (though he doesn't 'take over' during any sexual content, if that's a particular squick). Angst, some slightly gory imagery (blood) during sex, absurdism/experimental in style.

Summary: Dean keeps being reminded of what he's done to his brother.

Read it here

.pairing » sam/dean, possession, » fic, vessel, .genre » slash, .genre » wincest

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