Fic: So Wrong It's Right

Apr 01, 2014 14:26

Title: So Wrong It's Right
Author: brightly_lit
Rating: PG for language
Genre: gen, angst, metafic, resolution!fic, bi-bro, brother feels, hurt!Sam, emotionally hurt!Dean
Characters: Sam, Dean, Jess, John, Mary, ODC
Word Count: 8,000
Summary: Fighting bitterly with his brother on a hunt, Sam gets caught by the djinn they're hunting and gets to live the life he's always thought he wanted, only to discover maybe it's not what he really wants after all.

Written for the Bi-Bro Challenge at spn_bunker.

Takes place between the events of 9.16 and 9.17.

Read the story here!

touch starvation, grief, hallucinations, fainting/collapse, blood loss, » fic, .genre » gen

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