Raggedy Andy and the Slippery Slide

Mar 25, 2014 23:15

Title: Raggedy Andy and the Slippery Slide
Author name: cosmic_medusa
Genre: AU, Dean/Cas (tame), addict!Sam, humor, angst, addiction, alcoholism, abuse, fluff, schmoop
Characters: Dean, Sam, Cas, Andy Gallagher, Jack Gallagher(OC)
Rating: R (language, content)
Word count: 5,010
Warnings/Spoilers: Angst/schmoop/language/addiction/alcoholism/drug-use
Author's Notes: I'm baaaaaaaaack!!!!!!! :)
Beta: All mistakes are mine.
Summary: Andy Gallagher is a great friend, a great son, and a model recoveree. Until he's not.

Follow the cut: “I’m not really yours, Pop.” A tear escaped out the side of Andy’s eye and ran down onto the sofa pillow. Jack used Sam’s damp washcloth to the stain off his son’s face. “I’m not really anybody’s.”

Previous: Three Kings 'verse Masterlist

hugs/cuddling, drunk, addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse, anxiety/panic attack, » fic, .genre » gen, .genre » slash

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