Memento Vivere (1/1, Gen, PG13)

Mar 11, 2014 11:18

Title:  Memento Vivere
Author: kcscribbler (KCS on
Rating: T
Genre/pairing:  Angst, H/C, Gen
Characters:  Sam, Dean
Word count: 5400+
Summary:  After the events of 9.15, Sam finally decides to extend an olive branch of sorts to his "hunting partner." In the process, he finds that both he and Dean have old wounds that need to begin healing before they can fix what's broken between them now.
Warnings & Spoilers: [just to be safe, under the cut]Spoilers for the last few episodes of S9, takes place immediately after last week's 9.15. Possible trigger warning for hinted adult themes such as lack of consent (ie. non-con) and everything that could go along with it.  It's only obliquely hinted at, but I wouldn't want to not warn.Please see full warnings & A/N at my journal entry.
Disclaimer:  If I owned them, my crossroads deal would be coming due next year.
A/N: See my journal entry, as I'm notorious for long ANs.  Mods, it's my first time posting here so I hope I've done all the formatting correctly.

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