Fic: Underneath a Stretching Skyline verse #02 : The Lights Are Flowing Down

Feb 19, 2014 22:58

Title: The Lights Are Flowing Down, verse #02
Author: LaueHime
Rating: Mature
Genre/pairing: Angst, H/C, Gen
Characters: Sam, Dean, Lucifer
Word count: +/- 3,500
Warnings: Graphic mentions of torture, gore, minor cussing, spoilers for s7. This chapter has a high level of angst. If you’re sensitive to this, don’t read or prepare your tissues.
Summary: Hunting again so soon is not the best idea but Dean can’t deny his little brother anything when Sam uses those eyes against him. Too bad he has to play doctors and give his brother home-provided anesthesia when they come back to the motel.
Written for spnshannanigans’s prompt on ohsam
“Sam's memories from hell threaten to overwhelm him every moment of every day.  To calm the storm in his head, he comes to rely on either drugs or alcohol (or both).  Dean allows this to continue (for now anyway) because he doesn't know how to help Sam and he can't stand the screaming”

hugs/cuddling, drunk, nightmares, cuts/lacerations, hallucinations, physical assault, fainting/collapse, crying, breakdown, hell/post-hell issues, repressed memories, blood loss, » fic, psychological trauma, .genre » gen

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