Take Care of You

Feb 08, 2014 23:23

Title: Take Care Of You
Author: jennytork
Word Count: ~2945
Summary: What if Sam survived Cold Oak?
Prompt: . What if Jake's attempt to kill Sam at the end of "All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1" didn't kill him? What if Sam managed to get away somehow? Bleeding out, in pain and confused, Sam tries to make his way to Dean's side. Except, that's sort of hard when he's hallucinating that Jessica is with him. Somehow, Sam makes it to Dean, but whether he dies or not is up to you. Please give me a long Dean trying to comfort/help Sam scene though

Story at My journal

cuts/lacerations, hallucinations, hospitalization, [all hell breaks loose], &fic challenge, » fic, » adopt a plot bunny, unconsciousness, .genre » gen

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