Looking for a beta

Jan 26, 2014 12:29

I'm writing a very Sam-centric fic for the SPN J2 Bigbang but having a hard time finding a beta for it. It features lots and lots of Hurt!Sam including graphic non-con/rape (Sam/OMC), possible dub-con het (Sam/Ruby2.0) and Slave!Sam (so flogging/whipping)

Pairings include mild Wincest, brief mentions of past underage!Sam/Caleb, Sam/Jess (1 small dream/flashback scene), Sam/Ruby2.0, Sam/OMC (present).

Brief outline: It's set between seasons 3 & 4 when Dean is still in Hell. After hooking up with Ruby, Sam is ambushed by some hunters who (thinking he is a vampire) plan to execute him. He is saved by a spell cast from a different time and place that transports him to a world where slavery is the norm. (Think medieval England as a time period).

If this is of interest to anyone PM me or comment here and I can send a more detailed outline, prologue (about 3500 words) and the first part of Ch 1 (about 8000) Total fic at this stage is about 70,000 but that could increase or decrease as I do edits and rewriting.

Ideally, I'd love to find someone who I can toss ideas at on a very frequent basis (ie at least weekly, if not every couple of days) and get fairly quick feedback on. As 1st drafts aren't due til May 1, in-depth beta isn't a high priority yet but I'd still like feedback on a fairly regular basis.

PS: Mods, no idea if I've tagged this properly. Please let me know if it needs fixing.

sexual abuse: dub-con, .pairing » sam/jess, » beta request, .pairing » sam/dean, sexual abuse: non-con, .genre » wincest, .pairing » sam/ruby, abuse, .genre » het, .pairing » sam/omc, .genre » slash

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