Fade to Black, a Supernatural Fic

Jan 19, 2014 22:41

Title: Fade to Black
Author: lauehime
Rating: PG 13
Genre/pairing: Gen
Characters: Sam, Dean
Word count: +/- 5,200
Summary: Sam and Dean are cut digging a grave and have to explain themselves to the police. Unfortunately, Dean loses it and Sam is stuck between them, taking the hits when punches replace words. It wouldn't have been too hard if Sam  hadn't been recovering from a recent severe head injury.
Author's Note: This was written for a prompt from cocoplumb on the ohsam community's adopt a plot bunny. Thank you for the amazing prompt! I hope you're going to like what I did with it. I really enjoyed writing this!
Sam and Dean are arrested or interrogated for something. The cops hit Dean when he struggles, Sam tries to help calm the cops and Dean down but gets punched in the face several times which wouldn’t be too bad on most occasions. But Sam just got out of the hospital for a severe head injury after getting hurt on the last hunt. Dean does not react well to his little brothers brain getting another go around.
Warnings: Violence (non graphic)
Disclaimer: Not me. That would be amazing Kripke

fainting/collapse, injury, hospitalization, concussion, coma, unconsciousness, » fic, » adopt a plot bunny, .genre » gen

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