Fic: Magpie, to the Seaside (Sam/Dean, PG 13)

Jan 02, 2014 00:03

Title: Magpie, to the Seaside
Pairing: Sam/Dean, mild soulless!Sam/Dean
Genre: h/c, horror elements.
Wordcount: 9k
Summary: Him and Dean, a house trailer by the sea, peaceful mornings recuperating from being ensouled-Sam could live with this, if only it weren’t for the uninvited visitor knocking at their door at midnight, every night. Season 6 AU in which Dean gets Sam's soul back in a different way.
Warnings: Angst. Craziness. Lovecraft elements. Probable tentacles. Craziness. Non-explicit wincest. Language. (Did I mention craziness?)
A/N: Written for spn_j2_xmas  as a gift for cordelia_gray. Concrit very much appreciated! :)

It’s Monday when Sam wakes up.

hell/post-hell issues, supernatural injury, .pairing » sam/dean, soullessness, » fic, .genre » wincest

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