Stainless and Honorable Lives 4/4

Oct 12, 2013 16:52

SUMMARY: Murders in two separate cities draw the brothers into a case that has Sam teaming with someone he never thought he’d meet, and Dean fighting for his life in a way he never imagined. Casefic. Chapter 4 of 4.
SPOILERS: Technically, the story is set within Season 9, post trial-related fallout, but is a standalone case-fic-no spoilers-and may become slightly AU depending on the fallout from 9.01. Right now, though, it fits within canon. Written to fill the ‘Job-related Injury’ square in my hc_Bingo card.
DISCLAIMER: The characters of Supernatural belong to Eric Kripke, Jeremy Carver & Co. I am playing in their sandbox, with their toys, with much gratitude.
RATING: T for swearing, including the 'big boy' words, as Jensen calls them.
WORD COUNT: Chapter Four: 11K+ Complete story: 30K
GENRE: Gen/Hurt-Comfort
Chapter 4

bullet wound, cuts/lacerations, poisoning, .genre » gen

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