Circus of Horrors?

Aug 30, 2013 23:04

Title Circus of Horrors?
Author: Annie46
Rating: PG13 (language and the F bomb)
Summary: Jess has a birthday treat for Sam…
Written for the SPN_Big Pretzel summer vacation reverse bang. The wonderful art is by mamapranayama and is all kinds of awesome!

A/N: I hope that everyone likes this - it is a lot more angsty than I would have liked but I do hope there is some humour in it too! Spoilers for Season 8 - particularly episodes 21 & 22.

At my Journal

hugs/cuddling, .pairing » sam/jess, !spoiler policy, [plucky pennywhistle's], the trials, fever, repressed memories, &fic challenge, .genre » het, » fic, .genre » gen

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