What It Takes 33/?

Jul 26, 2013 01:33

Title: What It TakesAuthor: CrimzonChyld
Rating: R
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Wincester
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Summery:  What does it take to break you.  What does it take to save you?  Set in Season 2.  Rape/non-con, hurt/comfort, Hurt!Sam, Protective!Dean
Disclaimer: I do not own nor am I affiliated with Supernatural, WB, CW, Kripke Enterprises, actors, or other affiliates there of. No profit is being made from this.
Authors Note: So, Sam's having issues and Dean's trying not to push. Who's gonna break down and talk first?
Anyway, I'm gonna point out here that Sam, naturally, isn't "over" what's happened to him. In some ways, he'll never be completely "over" what happened. Anything physical that happens between Dean and him is because of Sam's complete and total trust in Dean. I'm not saying they're gonna jump in the sack and start goin' at it like rabbits or anything. Just, they might go a little further, physically, sooner than would be expected.
Just not in this chapter.

Trust Issues
Is this your first time?  Why not try the Master List?

sexual abuse: non-con, bed sharing, sexual assault, .genre » slash, .genre » wincest

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