Fic: The Raven; PG13; Season 8

Jun 10, 2013 21:36

Title: The Raven
Author: jedisapphire
Rating: PG13
Genre: Gen, Casefic
Characters: Sam, Dean
Word Count: 30,000
Summary: The Raven is a hotel opposite a haunted house a few miles outside Baltimore. Sam and Dean are there on a boringly routine job. Then Sam finds a package of nineteenth-century letters under a floorboard, a mysterious ghost with sad eyes insists Dean is going to kill his brother, and the world's creepiest doctor shows up insisting he can cure Sam, who's suddenly starting to spike high fevers for no reason Dean can figure out.
Spoilers: Through to 8.10, Torn and Frayed.
Warnings: Mild language and violence; nothing worse than what's on the show.
Disclaimer: The boys aren't mine.
Author's Note: This fic is my entry to this year's spn_j2_bigbang, for which I got to work with the incredible eyestoowide. There's a link to her art post from the masterpost.

Read the story.

hugs/cuddling, suffocation, injury, supernatural illness, hospitalization, fever, broken bones/fractures, » fic, .genre » gen

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