Fic: Buried in Water

May 25, 2013 12:35

Title: Buried in Water
Author:  Balder12
Characters:  Sam, Cas, mentions of Dean
Genre:  Gen H/C
Rating:  PG-13
Word Count: 4,400
Warnings:  blood, nausea
Spoilers:  Through 8.21
Summary:  Post-8.21 Dean has to go on a hunt, and Cas takes care of Sam [Spoiler (click to open)]during a particularly nasty bout of Trials-related sickness.

A/N:  Written for a prompt by shangrilada at the Oh_Sam H/C Fic & Art Celebration.  About the title: some people believe that in baptism the person's sins die and are "buried in water," and he is reborn as a child of God. That seems relevant to Sam's interests at the moment.

.pairing » sam/castiel, respiratory illness/distress, fainting/collapse, supernatural illness, cough, fever, dehydration, blood loss, bed sharing, &amnesty, » fic, .genre » gen, deliriums

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