Fic: Mother's Here

May 01, 2013 22:05

Title: Mother’s Here
Author: septembers_coda
Rating: PG-13, for language and some scary concepts
Pairings: None; it’s gen
Characters: Young Sam Winchester, young Dean Winchester, John Winchester, flashback Mary Winchester, OCs
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, teen!chesters, wee!chesters
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: None. Takes place pre-series.
Word Count: ~13,000
Disclaimer: Don’t own Supernatural or these concepts and make no profit from this.
Summary: It’s summer in the woods of northern Oregon, and the boys are on their own. Dean is 14 and Sam is 10. John has finally decided Dean is old enough to care for Sam on his own, so naturally Dean promptly gets a job and a girlfriend and leaves Sam to fend for himself. But someone… or something… doesn’t want Sam left on his own… Read it here!

sleep disorder, hugs/cuddling, grief, cuts/lacerations, drowning, crying, bites/stings, bed sharing, » fic, .genre » gen

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