Clean Slate - Chapter Six

Feb 15, 2013 09:09

Title: Clean Slate - Chapter Six
Rating: T
Word Count: 3,157
Characters/Pairing: Sam, Dean, Bobby.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Summary: Death: 'Nasty, those memories. You don't want to know what they'll do to him.'
After an accident, Sam's memories of the last two years are wiped. What
starts out as a blessing soon turns into a curse as Sam's memories are
Set S7 Episode 06 - Story picks up at the end of Slash Fiction and becomes AU.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own nothing. No copyright infringement intended.
Spoilers: Up to Season Seven: Episode 6
Thanks go to SnarkyMuch2 for beta’ing this fic.

Chapter Six

internal injuries, nightmares, fainting/collapse, crying, amnesia, the great wall of sam, injury, depression, hell/post-hell issues, coma, blood loss, brain damage, aneurysm, » fic

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