8.13 and a plot bunny for adoption

Feb 10, 2013 12:33

Ok, was it just me, or was there a majorly brief yet oh so good limp!Sam scene in this ep? So, where is the fic? I know there are issues this season with retconning of history and the ongoing adjustments for brother conflict and big bad season arcs, but it all disappeared for me when Sam started turning colors and hurried back to Dean and collapsed on the stairs and turned even more dire colors.

When Dean told the golem that Sam and Aaron were going to die unless they got the guy that cast the spell, and the golem returned with the broken Nazi guy, I was not expecting him to kill him, and I thought, "Oh, no! Now Sam's screwed!" 'cause who woulda thought killing him would reverse the poison spell thing? Dean didn't tell the golem they needed to kill the Nazi, just that they needed to "get" him, which seemed to mean catch, not kill.

And Sam hurrying to Dean when he was hit and saying, "Dean! Necromancer." reminded me of the Jump the Shark ep where Sam said, "Dean! They're ghouls!" and trusted Dean would know what to do to take 'em out. Does that mean they've dealt with necromancers before?

Oh, and Sam's already up and helping Dean bury/burn the necromancer when Aaron wakes. And the golem tells him that Dean and Sam saved his life, not the golem. So, did they need to do something else to heal them besides kill the necromancer to save Sam and Aaron? It would explain why Sam recovered first, 'cause Dean'll always save him first.

Tell the hurt/comfort story of what we missed.

supernatural illness, » adopt a plot bunny

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