if you go chasing rabbits

Dec 08, 2012 15:51

Title: if you go chasing rabbits
Author: de_nugis
Rating, Pairing: PG-13. The fic is gen, though the 'verse as a whole is Sam/Dean.
Wordcount: c2700
Disclaimer: don't own, don't profit
Author's Note: Renovation 'verse timestamp fic for galathea_snb (first half) and aerynsun5 (second half). Set within the year or so covered by Everything changes, nothing does, and includes an OC from that fic. Title from Jefferson Airplane.
Summary: Sam has a mishap on a nature hike.

“A rabbit,” says Dean finally. “Sam, you know that Python bunny isn’t real, right? You are not going to tell me that you are the victim of a killer rabbit attack.”

hell/post-hell issues, broken bones/fractures, » fic, .genre » gen

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