Title: Precious Treasures
Annie46Characters Sam & Dean (Gen)
Rating: NC17 - for language
A/N Spoilers for Season 8 right up to the last episode!
Written for the
Summary: Written from a prompt by strgazr04 which was Sam ends up unconscious and/or hurt (maybe on a hunt?) and Dean has to take care of him. It's all very traumatic and bloody with Dean near panic and giving his "I'mma patch you up, make you good as new. That's my job right? To look after my pain in the ass little brother?" speech to an unresponsive Sam. Well as Dean is patching Sam up, he discovers the amulet under Sam's layers of shirts. He reflects on that Christmas back in 91 and how he threw out the amulet in DSOTM. I would LOVE if this took place in season 8 and Dean realizes that Sam cares more than he's letting on. (I am still holding out hope that Sam went for 'normal' because losing Dean hurt too much for him to focus on and drove him insane because he failed to save Dean again)
Disclaimer I own nothing - Kripke, Gamble and Carver own the lot!
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