Black Ice

Nov 09, 2012 18:51

Title: Black Ice

Author: Snarkymuch

Rating: PG

Genre: Hurt/Comfort

Pairing(s)/Character(s): Sam, Dean

Warnings: None

Spoilers: None

Summary: Written for strgazr04 's prompt at the ohsam Comment Meme: "Sam slips on black ice and screws up his back, possibly breaking his collarbone. Now casted, Dean must do everything for Sam because his brother can't use his arms.

AN: I wasn't able to cast his arms for a collarbone break, but I was able to stick him in a sling and wrench his back.

Total Word Count: 1,700
Disclaimer: I own nothing and no copyright infringement intended.

Read here on my LJ

broken bones/fractures, » fic, .genre » gen

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