Hidden Truths--part 9/9 *Complete*

Nov 06, 2012 18:19

Title: Hidden Truths Part 9/9 *Complete*

Author: Snarkymuch

Rating: T

Genre: Hurt/Comfort

Pairing(s)/Character(s): Sam, Dean

Warnings: Self-harm and an overall theme of past child abuse (kept as vague as possible).

Spoilers: Season Seven

Summary: Set after the phone call with Dean in Season 7 episode 14 Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie when he asks Sam what in the world the clowns did to him. Sam has a secret he’s never told anyone, and when he sees a clown at Plucky’s, his world begins to spiral out of control.

Total Word Count:20,000

Disclaimer: I own nothing. no copyright infringement intended.

AN: A special thanks to  kazluvsbooks for prereading and being generally awesome.
Chapter one here

Chapter Nine here

self-harm, sexual abuse: non-con, » fic, depression, .genre » gen

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