Faith (the losing my religion remix)

Oct 11, 2012 20:44

Title: Faith (the losing my religion remix)
Characters: Sam, John, Dean, Pastor Jim, OCs
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Spoilers: For the end of season three.
Summary:  The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.  To Sam, that eventually became the universe's biggest joke.
A/N: My assignment for kamikazeremix this year was    No Answer   by  chemm80  It's a dark story that gave me a chance to play in Sam's headspace.  I struggled with it.  A lot.  And this is what came out of that fight with my muse.  Many thanks to  chemm80  for giving me such a challenging story to play with.  I didn't even come close to doing it justice, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!

Thanks to amber1960  for give this a once over for me, it was most appreciated!

Sam remembered the summer he learned to pray. Read more... )

grief, » fic, depression, .genre » gen

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