ficlet: crossed wires

May 24, 2012 21:00

Title: crossed wires
Author: de_nugis
Rating, Pairing: G, Gen
Warnings, Spoilers: no warnings, spoilers through 7.17
Wordcount: c750
Disclaimer: don't own, don't profit
Summary: A 7.17 coda in which Sam and Dean miscommunicate and no damage whatsoever is done to their relationship or the world.
A/N: A discussion at lazy_daze's most excellent s7 retrospective reminded me of the strange inability of Spn's writers to just say "head" when they mean "head." For some reason I felt this should be turned into low key, uneventful schmoop.

A hundred miles or so from the asylum they pull over and Sam crashes in the back seat.

hell/post-hell issues, sleep disorder, » fic, .genre » gen

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