FIC: Paradise by the Dashboard Light (PG) Gen

May 15, 2012 22:57

Title: Paradise by the Dashboard Light
Author: bythedamned
Genre: Pre-series, gen or wincest depending on what goggles you wear
Word Count: 1,330
Beta: elveys_stuff
A/N: Title taken from, and fic inspired by, the Meatloaf song of the same title. This started off way more wincesty in my head (listen to the song, you’ll know why) but I don’t really write wincest and somehow it just morphed into this.

Summary: Dean does what he can to alleviate Sam’s growing pains, but it’s probably not enough.

It had been Caleb who’d figured it out, one day when Sam was hiding his face behind Dean so he could lean down to rub at his shins in peace.

growing pains, » fic, .genre » gen

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