Drive-by plot bunnies...

Apr 01, 2012 17:20

Be warned, here there be spoilers for the past two new eps: The Born-Again Identity and Party On, Garth.

1. It turns out that getting drunk is not the brightest idea for a guy whose only grip on reality is through his psychic link to a distant, suffering angel.

2. Sam is ok, now. No more hearing or seeing Lucifer. Well, yeah, he still hears Bobby from time to time, but that's just normal grief. He'd tried a talking board back before his crazy got really bad, and nothing. No Bobby. Maybe Cas just took the Lucifer part of his hallucinations that were keeping him awake. There's no reason to worry Dean or make him falsely hope that Bobby's still around, right?


drunk, hallucinations, » adopt a plot bunny, mental illness

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