Mar 30, 2012 08:16

*****SPOILERS for Last week's episode*****

I have seen a number of tags about last week's episode. 99% of which focus on 'poor' Cas being left behind in such a state (which I personally think was poetic justice and I am glad Cas is gaining true insight into what he cast on Sam when he crumbled Sam's wall). But I only have one strong thought on that episode: Holy crow! If what was in Sam's head, was enough to mentally cripple an ANGEL, how the heck had Sam managed to function so long, mere human being that he is? (I will forget for a moment that as an angel, Cas really should not have been affected like that...they do not feel things in the same way as humans do) My respect and love for Sam went up a thousand fold... Unfortunately, that seems to have gotten lost on much of tag writing fandom: dimmed in light of Cas being left behind. If my muse were in working order right now, my tag would be about Dean's new understanding, compassion and respect, for just what his BROTHER survived. That, and Sam is not healed - Cas said he could not heal Sam, he could however, shift things and get Sam back on his feet. Whatever that means... Anyways, that's my wee Sammy thought of the day. And I just wanted to share it with other people who might feel some sympathy for the poor kid.

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