Title: Forged by Fire
mlebayre Genre: General
Characters/Pairings: No Pairings, Dean and Sam, some other folks.
Rating: R
Spoilers: This is an AU. I've taken canon and events from all seasons, but they are more references than spoilers.
Notes: In this verse Sam never dies, so Dean never makes his deal.
Summary: People and things aren't always what they seem. The brothers find unlikely allies and shrewd enemies around every bend in the road. Stopping Lucifer just got harder.
Series: Two Souls Verse
Disclaimer: Not ours,just borrowing from Kripke.
Many thanks to
sendintheklowns who was my winning bidder at Kazcon 2009. She asked for another fic in the Two Souls Verse and Sam in prison. What a great idea! Thank you to my wonderful betas, Anickamarie,
deej1957 and
ajcaddick. Amazing art by
thruterryseyes and the incredible vid is by
kumaproogey thank you so much to both of you! Thank you
silverruffian for all her help with research.
Dean couldn’t take it anymore. He’d called them for help, they were helping, he knew, but he needed some action. “I’m not leaving my brother in there alone. Either he comes out, or I go in with him. That’s not negotiable. It’s dark, maybe we can grab Sam while he’s being transported-” Dean’s words were cut off without warning.