The Wreckage

Mar 13, 2012 20:40

Title: The Wreckage
Summary: People on the opposite side of the road could only stare in horror as the two cards collided. They saw the cars still, only to be moved once again as the cars behind the black Chevy impala hit the side. The screech of tires and crunching of metal was deafening to their ears. So they continued to stare.
Warnings: Possibly death fic depending on how you take it
Disclaimer: I dont own them...sadly.
A/N: I posted this on diffrent places before. No reading back I changed somethings. My first time posting here! Please let me know what you think! Thank you all!

Dean Winchester awoke to an insistent whisper in his ear. As his senses started to return to him, the whisper changed to that of a familiar voice. The voice that had been there every day since it had learned to speak. The one that was impossible to get rid of, even as much as Dean tried.  That familiar voice that belonged to no other than his annoying brat of a little brother.

“ Dean wake up!” insisted Sam.

“Ughhhh…whatta ya wan? Go away…” was Dean’s response. He pulled the covers back over his head, turned to his side, and did everything he was capable of doing to avoid the kid shaking his shoulder.


“WHAT DO YOU WANT?” yelled Dean as he shot up in bed.

Sam was finally silent, staring up at him with wide thirteen year old eyes.

Thirteen?  Something was off with that number.

“What do you want?” he repeated again, only much calmer.

Sam gave him a wide dimpled smile and Dean couldn’t help but let out a small smirk and ruffle the kids’ hair. He couldn’t stay mad at him. Who could with the wide eyed puppy dog eyes and cute little dimples! The little bastard was adorable and he knew it!

“OK…I’ll repeat for the third time. What. Do. You. Want?”

“Well dad told me to wake you up. Said if you didn’t come down in the next ten minutes he was going to come up here and whip your a…”

“That’s enough son.” said the voice of his father from the doorway with a giant smile on his face.

Sam giggled, “I was just telling him what you said!”

“Never mind that son. Get down stairs. We need to talk about what’s going on today. I’ll meet both of you there.”

“Yes sir” both boys recited at the same time.

As John walked down the stairs he couldn’t help but smile as he heard the friendly banter of his two boys making their way to the kitchen. He quickly walked off into his own separate room to retrieve the surprise he had waiting.

“Dean are you forgetting something?”

Dean thought for a minute. The calendar hanging on the wall said May 2nd…and just like that it came to him! The more than normally excited little brother bouncing all over him and shaking his shoulder. It was the kids birthday! His Sammy was fourteen!

“No! How could I ever forget such a horrible day for all? You know Sammy, this is the day that humanity  stays inside, hides from the terrifying sight that is...”

He didn’t get to finish his sentence as Sam elbowed him.

Dean dropped to the floor and started convulsing , trying to make it at least a little believable.

“Dean…Dean. Dean!” Sammy quickly dropped to the floor next to him and started shaking him once more “Dean I didn’t mean it! I’m sorr...”

All John heard from the next room was a fourteen year old shout and the baritone voice of his oldest as he proclaimed his victory. He gave a small chuckle and went to go join his sons, present in hand.

He was received by a chorus of giggles as Dean tickled the hell out of his brother while trying to give him what looked like his birthday punches.


Both Sam and Dean stopped at the same time. They looked up at him with wide eyes, waiting for his next words.

“Just thought the birthday boy here would like to know that we are going out for breakfast.” he announced.

John was rewarded by two blinding smiles and a jumping Sam.

“Might wanna go get ready Sammy. Don’t want the world to see you like this when you just turned fourteen! What would they think?”

Dean got up from the floor and put out a hand to help his brother. Sam ran off to get ready because his family might not celebrate a lot of holidays, but his birthday was never forgotten.

Dean looked at his brother as he ran off to get ready.

“Man dad…he’s growing so fast”, Dean said.

John was not sure if that was sadness or fear he heard in his eldest’s voice.

“Isn’t that my line son?”

Dean looked at him then.

“No”, was all he said and then he too was heading to the bathroom to start off his day.

John could only stare at his oldest son as he walked off, his mouth hanging wide open.


Twenty minutes  later, the two Winchester men and one boy were walking out the door and to the Impala. Sam was wearing the new shirt that he had found on his bed. It fit perfectly and just how his dad liked, it was black. Sam loved it!

What made the shirt awesome was the giant ‘BIRTHDAY BOY’ that was spelled out across his chest. It had quickly become his favorite shirt in his meager collection. As Sam got in the car he thanked his dad. He knew that it was him, no matter how conspicuous his father thought he had been.

“I don’t know what you’re thanking me for son.”

“Yeah right dad! You think you’re so clever but you’re not!” giggled Sam.

“Dad where’s Samantha? I hear her gigging but I can’t see her!” said Dean jokingly.

“Hey!” came Sam’s indignant scream from the back, “I’m not a girl! You are…”

Dean couldn’t help laughing as he looked in front of him and saw the cute little pout forming his baby brothers’ lip.

“Awwww come on Sammy! You know you’re the prettiest little princess!” cooed Dean.

“Shut up Dean!” yelled Sam as he leaned out of his seat to try hitting his laughing so hard it was a wonder he hadn’t wet himself, older brother.

Soon enough John joined into the laughter as he spotted the indignant look on  Sam’s young face and the affectionate look on Deans as he pulled his brother into an awkward side hug.

Sam’s look of annoyance disappeared as he tried hugging Dean back. Sam was a little small for his age, but he had long arms that he still hadn’t grown into.

Soon the fun was over and Sam sat back in his seat.

Today was turning out to be his best birthday ever.

It was funny how something so innocent would affect the lives of the three men in the car that day.

“Dad watch out!” yelled Sam.

Dean looked up and what he saw terrified him. In front of him a big black van was hurtling towards them, swerving in and out of the yellow line that separated the roads.

All he heard was the screeching of tires as his dad tried moving out of the way and a familiar shout of Dean from the front seat. Then everything went black.


Tony Adams raised the bottle to his lips for what must have been the hundredth time that day. Well that’s what it felt like to him. Damn his wife. If she wanted to cheat on him with some guy that was only half the man that he was, then they deserved each other. She could at least have the decency to do it less conspicuously. Tony swerved out of the way for the tenth time that day. He had been out all night, drinking until he had passed out in his car. Then when he woke up, he hadn’t even thought of the consequences before he picked up the bottle once again.

Now he was trying not to hit any of the cars that were fading in and out of his vision.

This time when he raised the bottle to his lips it was empty.

“Damn it!” he yelled to no one in particular while throwing the empty whiskey bottle in the back seat. He heard a car honk and looked up. He saw that the car was almost in front of him so he swerved out of the way. Sadly, he realized his mistake too late and he was on the wrong side of the road. Before he could switch and perhaps pull over and spare those in danger, a car was in front of him.

He saw a family. Three grinning faces, one dimpled smile in particular turned into shock as he shouted to his father the pending danger that he had yet to notice. The heads of two older men turning and then trying to fix both their mistakes. But it was too late. They both knew it. Then all he saw was the steering wheel and the sound of metal on metal as the two cars collided.


People on the opposite side of the road could only stare in horror as the two cards collided. They saw the cars still, only to be moved once again as the cars behind the black Chevy impala hit the side. The screech of tires and crunching of metal was deafening to their ears. So they continued to stare. They stared and stared as the black car was flipped over by the momentum of the cars behind it, then it came to a sudden halt. The silence was even worse than the metal and tires. Even with  the wringing car horns and the screeching sirens of multiple ambulances and fire trucks and police cars…things were still too quite…


Dean Winchester woke up for the second time that day. There was a strange buzzing noise wringing in his ear that only got louder as he sat. He expected to hear the giggling voice of his thirteen year old brother. Wait! Sammy was fourteen today! They were just heading to breakfast when. When what? He couldn’t remember. Sam and he were goofing around; he remembers the cute little snickers and the deeper baritone laugh of his father, then nothing.

Slowly, he forced his eyes open. Either he was drunk or he was upside down. He couldn’t really tell for a few seconds until he heard the coughing. That was his father. But why were they upside down? Why did his head hurt so much?

Then he remembered. Sam and him where laughing, fooling around and then he heard the shout.

He looked around and what he saw shook him to the bone. The car, his car was on its back, the windows shattered, leaving a mess of glass littering what used to be the top of the car. Pieces of metal were sticking out of different places, the car itself had shrunken in on itself, leaving hardly any space for moving. Then he looked to his right.

He couldn’t hold in the scream that pierced through the silence as he saw his little brother.

“Sammy…”he whispered in an agonized voice.

His small body was on its side, laying on his arm that was at an odd angle. His hair was wet with what looked like blood matting to his forehead and leaving trails down the side of his head. The blood that came out of his parted lips was forming a small puddle where he lay. Sammy’s face was pale and already half swollen where he could only guess it collided with the roof of the car as he was propelled out his seat and to the back of the car. His new shirt was shredded and slowly soaking with blood. The BIRTHDAY BOY that had earlier made him laugh and pull Sam to his side now mocked him and caused him pain to even look at.  But the most terrifying was the jagged piece of metal that protruded from his left side.

He noticed that he was still screaming. His shouts were a mix of Sammy and No

“Dean! Are you ok son?” came the urgent voice of his father.

He didn’t even here him. His fathers shouts faded into the back of his mind and only stopped when the father finally noticed the source of his eldest sons pain. Sammy…


The paramedics stood by and helped the ones they could pull out without the assistance of the wreck cane.

One man in particular was walking around the wreckage of a certain black impala. The car was a wreck. It had been turned on its back and the metal dented in. It literally formed a cage.

Then he heard it. The terrified and pain-filled screams of only a person who had just lost something or someone.

“Hey! We have live ones over here!”T he man watched and waited as the firefighters cut the car where necessary. But the screams never stopped.


The two older Winchester men sat in the waiting room of ST. Bethany’s hospital. They didn’t talk. They didn’t move. Their minds were in turmoil.

What had started off as a fun and happy day for their small family had quickly turned into a nightmare.

John stood pacing around the lobby. Unlike his youngest, he had gotten out of the crash mostly unharmed. His neck was just a little bit sore and he had bruises to show, but the damage wasn’t anything compared to injuries he had gotten in the past.

Dean on the other hand, has a minor concussion.

They had been waiting for what seemed like hours when they saw the doctor approaching them. The doctor still wore his cap and gloves which he swiftly removed and placed into a waste basket. The man didn’t even make it to the seats before the two waiting and distressed men were in front of him.

“How’s Sammy? Is he ok? Can we see him?” questioned both men.

“Please sir, calm down and take a seat. I will inform you on your son as soon as soon as possible,” said the doctor.

Slowly the two injured men walked to their seats and waited, the doctor right behind them.

“As you well know Sam has suffered major injuries. The most serious of all the piece of metal that entered his left side. We were able to remove it but…” he stopped as he heard the booming Code blue coming from the speaker.

“No…” whispered Dean as he saw the doctor turn pale and run off into the sliding doors. Quickly, he and his father followed, ignoring the hands of nurses and doctors while they carved a path through the hall.

They followed him to a room at the end of the hall where multiple nurses and doctors were entering. When they reached the door, they could only stare in mixed horror and shock.

Sam was laying none moving on a hospital bed that was looked to big for him. His face was pale and his chest not moving.

The doctors were using a defibrillator, trying to get the monitor to make a noise other than the beep of nothing it was currently giving.

“1, 2, 3”


“Again! 1, 2, 3”

The two live Winchesters could only stare as Sam left them. He had just turned fourteen; wasn’t even a day in to it! This shouldn’t have happened… That car crash shouldn’t have happened. They should have been sitting in a diner somewhere eating and laughing, enjoying their day. Not watching their youngest die in front of them.

“Damn it kid! I’m sorry…”the doctor said more quietly. Then came, “time of death… 11:04”

Dean felt his legs weaken and give out on him. The little brother that he loved more than anything had just died. Right in front of them. He did not try to hide the tears soaking his face. The sobs that came from his throat were inhuman.

John could only stare and beg his son to come back.

John and Dean Winchester could only stare and beg as their world crashed in around them.


Dean woke up with a start. The scream he was just about to let out died on his lips. The day was just beginning, sunlight shining into the room.

It was just a dream. A stupid and harmless dream.


Then what was this feeling that felt so erroneous?

Where was Sam? His little brother always woke him up in the morning!

No...He was just…it was Sam’s birthday. The calendar would say May 2nd!

Slowly he got up to see what day it was.

The End

drunk, crying, unconsciousness, » fic, .genre » gen, breakdown

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