FIC: Sirens In The Dark

Jan 31, 2012 15:54

Title: Sirens In The Dark
Rating: R
Fandom / Genre: Supernatural / Angst - Case-fic-ish
Pairing: Gen
Characters: Sam & Dean
Word count: ~ 5500
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Language, vomiting, overall nastiness
Prompt: Written for the 
ohsam fic meme, prompt by 
madebyme_x can he found here.
Disclaimer: Unicorns and candy canes, right? Fight the fairies!
Feedback: is LOVE!

They killed the siren, end of. Or was it?

blindness, drowning, starvation, supernatural illness, fever, &fic challenge, » fic, seizures, .genre » gen

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