Title: In Your Shadow (I Am Reborn)
amber1960Rating: R
Warnings: SPOILERS till 5.22: Swan Song; AU afterwards; vaguely spoilery for s6. Violence, blood and gore, major character death, insanity, implied Sam/Lucifer.
Words: ~3,200
Summary: "Freedom became punishment became love became life a long, long time ago: Sam understands this now, and he will live this life the only way he knows how."
After two years-decades-centuries, Sam Winchester returns, irrevocably changed, a perversion of what he once was. He does not mind; he will not have it any other way.
Notes: This was written for this year's
spn_reversebang. My heartfelt thanks to
amber1960 for her gorgeous artwork that inspired this story, and
ienablu for doing a fantastic job of betaing this fic.
Art Master-Post
It takes Sam about two hundred years to stop feeling pain. )