Missing Pieces, 8/8

Dec 01, 2011 17:43

Title: Missing Pieces
Genre: gen
Category: hurt/comfort, angst
Characters: Sam, Dean, Bobby, John, Caleb
Rating: R (language, violence)
Summary: Pre-series AU, Sam is seriously injured while saving a friend at Stanford and is left without a literal leg to stand on.
A/N: This was written as a fill for the oh_sam fic challenge and this prompt fromcaptclooless: Due to some incident at Stanford (fire, building collapse, Sam being an idiot hero, whatever you want~) Sam is left one leg short. You can read the full prompt here: http://ohsam.livejournal.com/340216.html?thread=2071544#t2071544.             
                          Additionally, I want to humbly offer my apologies to the mods here for screwing up this challenge so badly and not getting this all posted in one go. I'm sorry for being such a pain in the ass. :(
Chapter 1 ) ( Chapter 2 )( Chapters 3 and 4 )( Chapter 5 )( Chapter 6 )( Chapter 7 )( Chapter 8 and Epilogue )

injury, permanent injury, » fic, amputation, .genre » gen

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