Fic: Love Cannot From Its Post Withdraw [R] Sam, Dean

Nov 17, 2011 18:29

Title: Love Cannot From Its Post Withdraw
Author: Callisto
Characters: Sam, Dean, Bobby (Castiel, Ruby)
Genre: Gen
Rating: R for some graphic imagery
Word-count: 13,300~
Spoilers: S4. Especially ‘When the Levee Breaks’ and ‘Lucifer Rising’. It’s set immediately after the finalé and is basically an alternative start to season 5.
Disclaimer: Not mine sadly.
Notes: HUGE thanks to my beta ancastar, and to debbiel66 for her help and encouragement. This is Sam detoxing the way the hurt/comfort junkie in me always wanted him to...



All he gets is another explosion of gibberish. Some English, some Latin, some guttural awful thing a million miles away from Elvish--and his name in the mix of all three.

"Cas, don’t be a dick. I cannot fucking drive if you don’t hold--

Dean glances in the rearview.

"Great. Just great."

Love Cannot From Its Post Withdraw

[when the levee breaks], nightmares, cuts/lacerations, hallucinations, withdrawal, [lazarus rising], addiction, .genre » gen, deliriums

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