Doll Brother (fic challenge)

Nov 15, 2011 15:15

Title: Doll Brother
Author: jennytork
Characters: Dean, Sam, Adelle DeWitt, brief appearance by Topher Brink, some minor OMC's, vocal cameo by Jessica Moore
Rating: PG
Warnings: AU, identity shift, involuntary slavery
Spoilers: Preseries for both series.
Words: 2129
Summary: "Our father," Dean spat, "sold us."

She looked at him for a long moment. "Don't think of it like that. Think of it more as....contracted services."
Note: Witten for the following prompt left by mentholpixie at the current ohsam fic challenge: I've been dying for a good Dollhouse/Supernatural crossover. That bus Sam got on to go to Stanford? Well, he didn't make it there. Somehow he ends up in the Dollhouse as an Active.

Some time later, Dean bumps into him while hunting whatever but, of course, Sam doesn't recognise him because he's programmed as whatever.

Doll Brother at my journal

&fic challenge, amnesia, » fic, .genre » gen

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