Guess what I found today!?!?!?!?

Oct 29, 2011 01:48

Do you remember estei? If so, have you regretted not saving her fic down to your hard drive before it disappeared? I know I have.

I've been looking for her "Travellin' Man" fics a couple of times, hoping that she might've saved it somewhere other than her LJ, and today, I found it!

Yes, my Google-fu is strong!

Apparently, she kept a Dreamwidth journal and crossposted all her LJ entries there... and they're still there. I don't know if she left it up intentionally or just forgot about it, but in case it's the later, I recommend you save down your faves before they disappear again. I have, and am thrilled to have 'em.

Here are the direct links to my faves:

The Travellin' Man 'verse:"
1. Escape is at hand for the travellin' man
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, and Part 7
2. Where The Wild Are Strong
3. Always daddy paid the damage

Raising the Dead by Numbers

no bravery

Here it was that I reached out to you

kidnapping, physical assault, sexual assault, .genre » slash, .genre » gen, !recs

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