All the King's Horses (PG-13) Sam/Dean/Jess

Oct 23, 2011 23:50

Fic title: All the King's Horses
Author name: clex_monkie89
Artist name: vail_kagami
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: Sam/Dean/Jess
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 10,012
Warnings: Broken!Sam, AU from the end of S6.
Summary: Sam is broken (like Humpty-Dumpty without all the fun). And Castiel's idea of saving Sam (for some unknown definition of "saving") is to rip Jess out of heaven to help Dean try and take care of Sam.
Link to fic: Fic post
Link to art: Artpost

Dean manages to tackle Sam before the axe takes his head off (thank something that isn't their newest God of Douchebag Asshole Traitors), but they still end up in the emergency room that night (Dean thinks he drove them there, but it's kind of hazy).

.pairing » sam/jess, nightmares, .pairing » sam/dean, crying, the great wall of sam, dementia, hospitalization, .genre » het, chronic illness, paralysis, insanity, .genre » wincest, hell/post-hell issues, seizures, deliriums, .genre » slash

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