Rock Steady [NC-17] Sam/Dean

Oct 12, 2011 10:36

Title: Rock Steady
Author: selecasharp
Genre: Hurt/comfort / Romance/PWP
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: Sam/Dean
Warnings: Language, hurt!Dean, hurt!Sam, permanent injury (Sam), thigh porn
Spoilers: Vague for the series.
Word count: 8,662
Summary: After they both manage to get themselves injured on a hunt, Sam and Dean disagree about who should be treated first. In the end, though, they can always agree on one thing.

A/N: This takes place in the same universe as my 2010 big bang fic Pins & Needles, but you definitely don’t need to have read it to understand this one. The only thing you need to know is that Sam’s left hand and wrist are permanently paralyzed. Written for weimar27, who bought me for help_japan way back when.

The shot’s loud enough that Dean hears it...

hugs/cuddling, paralysis, sprain, .pairing » sam/dean, cuts/lacerations, injury, permanent injury, .genre » wincest, bed sharing, » fic

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