005 - [gen & sam/dean]

Jul 01, 2010 22:22

title. inherited scars
type. broken bones/fractures, (minor) depression, self-harm
author. buriedchild
rating. pg-13
words. 3,000
characters. sam, dean
summary. you've got such beautiful gifts, what are you doing ruining the packaging?
reccer's comments. a beautiful but sad story. sam's lost and he wants john and dean to notice.

title. living expenses
type. um... hunger and minor sleep deprivation?
author. tolakasa
rating. pg
words. 4,770
characters. dean, sam
summary. scholarships don't pay for everything. when you're not talking to your family, that makes summer the worst time of the year.
reccer's comments. sam's fallen on hard times. luckily, dean has great timing.

title. can't see in your windows
type. fever, seizures, ulcers
author. sparkofire
rating. pg-13
words. 10,500
characters. sam, dean
summary. while john is on a hunt and leaves dean and sam behind, sam comes down with a fever and maybe measles or the flu or whatever, and dean nearly freaks out.
reccer's comments. a pre-series story that depicts events from two timelines - sam at four and sam at eighteen. dean is there for him both times.

title. snooze alarm
type. migraine
author. minkmix
rating. pg
words. 1,215
characters. sam, dean
summary. sam is systematically tortured by a car alarm.
reccer's comments. dean is awesome. the end.

title. taking care of sammy
type. cuts/lacerations, injury
author. pixymisa
rating. nc-17
words. 3,456
pairing. sam/dean
summary. sam gets injured a lot. dean patches him up.
reccer's comments. dean's got a kink...

member recs

title. shimmy
type. sam-being-adorably-annoying
author. saberivojo
rating. pg
words. 653
characters. john, sam, dean
summary. for the prompt: john and the boys when the boys were fairly little. something goes wrong with the impala while they're driving. could be minor but annoying. sammy won't stop remarking on it.
reccer's comments. cute, cute, cute, cute, and more cute. if you don't love the hell out of sam and can't picture john's exasperation by the end of this fic, you must not have read the same one as i did.

title. fault lines
type. injury (gun shot)
author. k hanna korossy
rating. pg-13
words. 7,800
characters. dean, sam
summary. those little anti-possession charms aren't foolproof.
reccer's comments. limp-sam at his finest. seriously.

if you've read anything that you'd like to rec, why not drop us a line? the rec submission post is always open.

.pairing » sam/dean, cuts/lacerations, self-harm, injury, !recs, .genre » wincest, fever, migraines, broken bones/fractures, seizures, .genre » gen

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