Everything changes; nothing does -- Sam/Dean -- hard R

Sep 30, 2011 12:56

This is more convalescent!Sam than hurt!Sam, but I thought since the mute!Sam prequel went here the recovery process might continue here as well.

Title: Everything changes, nothing does
Author:: de_nugis
Rating, pairing: hard R, Sam/Dean
Wordcount: c4400
Disclaimer: don't own, don't profit
Summary: built-in bookshelves, volunteer firefighting, stupid sex noises
A/N: Written for obstinatrix, who wanted fireman!Dean for the Fall Fandom Free-For-All. Set in the Renovation 'verse. Takes place a year to two years or so after Renovation II. Title taken from James Merrill, "After the Fire."

Dean gets into it entirely by accident.

hell/post-hell issues, .pairing » sam/dean, » fic, .genre » wincest, phobia, mutism

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