Weekend at Gabriel's 2/2

Sep 24, 2011 10:14

Title: Weekend at Gabriel's
Author name: cosmic_medusa

Genre: Dean/Cas (very tame), addict!Sam, awesome!Dean, awesome!Gabriel, jealous!Cas (in this insallment)

Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel, Missouri, Kali

Rating: R (language, content)

Word count: 3,675

Warnings/Spoilers: Angst/schmoop/language/addiction/alcoholism

Author's Notes: Part of my 3 Kings 'verse, recommend you read We Three Kings first. I don't wish to scare off gen or slash readers. I've intended for the relationship between all three boys to be very supportive and loving and have done all I could to retain the elements of SPN--family, loyalty, loss, and redemption.

Author's Notes 2: I'm a Pennsylvania expat in NYC. There's lots of references to New York institutions in this update (and one of a PA dairy farm from my childhood). Sorry for the one month delay--crazy work is to blame. Bonus is, this is a long installment!

Beta: All mistakes are mine.

Summary: After the events of Those Who Live Among You, Cas decides he needs a break from the Winchesters. Visiting his favorite brother seems like the perfect escape. Meanwhile, Dean enjoys a weekend with Sam and wonders if there isn't something to the adage of three being a crowd.

Follow the cut:

"Bro, this is....bad."

Part I

Previous: Three Kings 'verse Masterlist

alcoholism, bed sharing, prostitution, .genre » slash, .genre » gen, addiction

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