New Fic: Fluke

Aug 25, 2011 17:55

Title: Fluke
Rated: T
Summary: A few miserable weeks might be only the beginning.
Disclaimer: Not mine, but man, that would be nice.
Feedback: Always welcome
Notes: Written for the Summer of Sam Love 2011. The recipient was faye_dartmouth and her prompts included: Sam and pneumonia. Enough said. And Sam and a hotel room surgery. It’s been a busy few months! I always tell myself that things will slow down in the summer, but they never do. I decided to commit to the challenge so I would HAVE to write something and now I’m hoping to get back to the joy of my hobby. Enjoy!

Story Found Here

suffocation, fainting/collapse, cough, hospitalization, fever, pneumonia, infection, sneezing, » fic, .genre » gen

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