The Servants of Man

Aug 17, 2011 19:48

Title: The Servants of Man
Author name: cosmic_medusa  
Genre: Dean/Cas (very tame), addict!Sam, non-con, dub-con, dark!fic
Characters: Dean, Sam, Cas, Missouri, Crowley
Rating: R (language, content, dub-con, non-con in this section)
Word count: 4,000
Warnings/Spoilers: Angst/schmoop/language/addiction/alcoholism
Author's Notes: Part of my 3 Kings 'verse, recommend you read We Three Kings first. I don't wish to scare off gen or slash readers. I've intended for the relationship between all three boys to be very supportive and loving and have done all I could to retain the elements of SPN--family, loyalty, loss, and redemption.
Beta: All mistakes are mine.
Summary: During his time at Rosemount, Missouri decides Sam needs to unburden himself about what happened on the street after he was kicked out of Dean and Cas' house. Sam complies, hoping it will be the last he'll ever have to think about it.

Follow the cut:

"Choking for a hit, mate?"

Previous: Three Kings 'verse Masterlist

sexual abuse: dub-con, physical assault, fainting/collapse, crying, starvation, sexual abuse: non-con, prostitution, breakdown, addiction, anxiety/panic attack, » fic, exhaustion, .genre » gen, .genre » slash

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