Two Ficlets: Renovation; On the Feast of Stephen

Aug 16, 2011 20:59

Titles: 1. Renovation 2. On the Feast of Stephen
Author: de_nugis 
Rating/Pairing: first is pre-slash Sam/Dean, second is gen, both are PG-13
Wordcounts: 855; 977
Warnings, Spoilers: spoilers through 6.22 in both
Disclaimer: don't own, don't profit
Summaries: 1. Dean obsesses over Sam's hands and there is fixage. 2. Sam cooks Dean breakfast and there is confusion.
A/N: Written for prompts from deirdre_cmimblexwimble, and persuna.

(follow the fake cut)

hell/post-hell issues, .pairing » sam/dean, » fic, .genre » slash, .genre » gen

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